Sunday 24 June 2018

Killing Humanity

Growing technology and development leads us to less humanity and sympathy. People are less social and never bothering kind of nature they have adopted. These days I am in Rajasthan, while traveling to Rajasthan I was observing people and their activities, like what they are doing?, what kind of behavior they have? How they are interacting people? through these questions I was analyzing  the Humanity? Through some observations I am going to prove how we are killing humanity?

Dealing with animals: In this world there are only few percentage of people who take care of animals or have realization the importance of animals on this Earth. Street dogs, seems they are nothing or they don't have any existence, if it comes to you for any reason the people tends to droll it. I have seen some people gave bread or any eatables but most of them said " Hooosh, Haattt". We people work for bread but these street dogs take care of our house only for the reason we give some eatables.

Dealing With Poor People: A wage earner person also have no value. Rich people tends to treat them like nothing because these  people has no money that means they have no value in the society. Is it a right criteria to judge people? A sweeper use to collect garbage from each house and we people treat him UNTOUCHABLE community. I have so many people tends to wash their main gate with water because sweeper has opened it with his hands. Look where are we going? if sweepers get vanished from the society, imagine the situation and then automatically people will realize the importance of sweepers or any other low wage earners.

Low human values: There was a news of open murder in Delhi, a thief was snatching a boy's wallet and that boy opposed and tried to stop that snatching but eventually that thief brutally killed the boy with his sharp knife. You all will shocked to know that wallet has only 50/-.

These were very few examples that shows how human beings are killing their humanity and develop the cruelness among their behavior. Technology are developing our mind and try to make our mind more active but on other hand our mind getting cruel and inhuman.

I am writing a series of challenges which is of my own choice to write. I have a team of fellow bloggers who are also writing with me at the same time as a teamwork. I would love to introduce my team members. The name of our team is #CROSSBORDERSISTERS You can reach them on their blog and any of their social media account

1: Aditi:  BlogFacebook Twitter Instagram
2: Manisha: BlogFacebook Twitter Instagram
3: Dr. Priyanka: BlogFacebook | Twitter Instagram
4: Anagha: BlogFacebook Twitter Instagram

"This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger's League hosted by Dipika Singh of Gleefulblogger and
Ruchie Verma - Wigglingpen in association with SummerBarnVedantika HerbalsNyassaExplore Kids World."

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