Thursday 3 March 2022

Let's Learn A to Z differently -Part 3

 This is a mythological characters series wherein I have included few names from our ancient history in a chronological order. In part one, you can read the names from the characters A to G and in the second part, from the characters H to K. The names which I have included are still well known in 21st century. Here you can imagine the height of the aura of these personalities. 

Alphabet Details

Lakhan or Laxman - The Laxman was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was the younger brother of Lord Rama. Laxman joined Lord Rama and Goddess Sita in their exile of 14 years. He devoted these years in guarding and supporting them. In Ramayana, it is mentioned that Laxman didn't sleep for 14 years because Laxman's mother Sumitra told him to guard them with full dedication. 

Mandodari the queen of Ravana. She was a nymph and it was mentioned in Ramayana that Hanuman also mistook her as Sita.  Mandodari always showed the right path to Ravana, specially when he abducted Sita. Mandodari was the mother of Meghnada, the most powerful son.
Mohini- Another avatar of Lord Vishnu. When the Asura and Dev  churning the ocean, then amrit came out. That amrit was not for demons so Lord Vishnu took the avatar of Mohini , a beautiful apasa who took the pot of Amrit from asur and gave it to Dev.

Narasimha: An avatar of Lord Vishnu. He took this avatar for stopping the evils of  King Hiranyakshipa. This avatar is of half man and half lion. This was the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. King Hiranyakshipa got boon that he won't be killed by neither weapon nor supernatural weapon, cannot be killed by any man or animal, neither on Earth nor in sky and neither in the morning nor at night.  That's why Lord Vishnu's avatar  Narsimha killed Hiranyakshipa in his lap during dusk and with his big nails. Narsimha was neither a man nor an animal. With all those features of a character he was able to kill King Hiranyakshipa.
Omkar - It is sacred sound which gives you peace of mind and also help you to meditate. Apart from this, Lord Ganesh also known as Omkar. 
I believe that when we inculcate good knowledge in our kids then later it help them to think out of the box. Knowledge is not bound with any school or class. Gaining knowledge is just like doing mental exercise.   

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in n collaboration with RRE Studios.


  1. Thank you for this alphabet lesson. Except for Omkar, I knew the others.It would be great if kids were taught like this.

  2. I would like appreciate your efforts again. I jost love this series. My kids Loves to hear stories every night so tell them stories from Hindu puraan, can't tell you how glued they are all the while. I am sharing all your post with my mommy friens too so that they tell their kids about all these.

  3. I didn't know Lord Ganesh is also known as Onkar. Your series is a great way to teach children. I am looking forward to the next one.

  4. Waiting to read each week A-Z mythological characters from your post. Not only for kids but i too have learnt through this

  5. I somehow look forward to your post n think what names are coming next. It's a great recollection for me and some stuff is new too 😊

  6. Wow, this time I knew all of them. Its a great learning experience. Thanks for such an insightful posts.

  7. Loving the series. It is also a great way to brush up on mythology. I didn't know about Onkar but was aware of the others.

  8. Like I said previously I was waiting to know what r the ones following next and looking for hereafter.

  9. It's good to get my knowledge refreshed with your posts. Also learning some new things. Didn't know that Mandodari was a nymph.

  10. Love your posts every week. You keep adding to our mythology repertoire

  11. Your posts are so informative! I keep learning so much

  12. I've loved this series very much enriches knowledge on mythology. Good one to teach kids

  13. I guess I've missed the previous editions of this series, but full appreciation for the research that goes into coming up with such posts and series!

  14. This series has kept me coming back to check your entries! Great going...looking for next week's entrants here.

  15. I'm glad to see you continuing this trend- very helpful and educational!

  16. I did not know about Mohini. Through your posts I am learning about some new mythology character each time. I am making a note of all of them and will try to teach my kid someday abcd in this way.

  17. And here we have the third part! Still excited about this excellent method of learning!

  18. I was completely unaware that Omkar was Ganesh Jis another name. But I must say I love this A-Z

  19. I am getting to know so many names from this series. What a great work!!

  20. Loving this series. Must read to know these mythological characters and their role.

  21. Love Alphabets in Mythology Series

  22. I like your illustrations of each letter of the alphabet.
