Sunday 21 June 2020

#ShareTheLoad For Family

Dear Reader,
Today I will talk about household chores which is "No one notices when you do it but everyone notices when you don't". This is the fact which almost every woman faces it. A woman is a multitasking personality who has the capability to manage indoor as well as outdoor activities in a brilliant way. 

The household chores are never-ending work that's totally underestimated, no matter who has done it. But it is a myth that only woman can do the chores but man has broke this myth. Now man can also do the housework because he got the opportunity to understand the value of household chores, this was possible  because of Corona Pandemic lockdown period.

Corona Pandemic is spreading like a wind and to get protected from this, Government has imposed some rules on the citizens.First one was lockdown and second some guidelines which need to be followed by all the people. During this lockdown, people tried  variety of food and gave time for family. Due to this, each member got the chance to understand each other and a beginning of #Sharing Load. Every member is living in a family's love by sharing work and caring each other. 

Do you want to know how this lockdown impacted my life? 

When the lockdown started, we all were happy because after a long time we were at home, with no official work. But on the other hand , fear of Corona also create a panic inside. We brought lots of groceries and other essential things, just for the sake of protection. We didn't want to go outside unnecessarily. A list was created by me of the things which I wanted to do in lockdown period. Initially I was doing those things on my own and with some help of my son. One day, I planned to wash my house all curtains and started declutching the curtains but little later I was feeling tired then, somehow my husband got noticed that I am getting stuck in declutching the curtains so, he came and helped me. This was the first moment when he started helping me and then helped me in washing all those curtain. Washing curtains in a semi automatic machine is not an easy task. He made my washing easier. That was my #ShareTheLaundry moment that makes our work easier and lighter. 

A new beginning of #SharingWork has began in my house, now my son also get activated after watching his father doing household work. One day, he told me," Maa, from now onward I will wash all my clothes in washing machine". Seriously, that was incredible. An initiative of helping someone, gives a great impact on your kids, the thought of washing clothes on his own was a great achievement in understanding the value of #ShareTheLoad.

The second thing which was surprisingly happened in my house was that my husband made a biscuit cake on my birthday. I was totally unaware about that he was observing each and every thing while I was making cake for my son.

#ShareTheLoad not only lighten your work but also brings togetherness and happiness. It also built up good relationship with each other and makes up bringing of children easier. If you really want o bring happiness in your family then you must #ShareChoresMultiplyLove . Don't forget that whatever you do your kids will do the same. Today when your child see you helping each other, in the coming future he will do the same with his/her spouse. Today's load sharing will make your child's future too. 

Have a look on this short film that is really heart whelming. This shows how #ShareTheLoad filled the house with your love and affection.

 ‘I will #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda‘. 

Stay Safe and follow social distancing rule. Corona brings fear in us but lockdown brings togetherness and a feeling of understanding #ShareTheLoad.

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